sábado, 30 de março de 2013

the love letter.

My story is about LOVE. A long, long time ago, there'was a girl called "L", she was eleven and she lived with her mother, sister and her grandparents. She played ball in the street every day afeters that she come at school. "L" watched a boy that lived in the same street. She was lover for him, and his name was "R". She stayed waiting he walks for the door at her home. She was behind the window cause she was a shy girl. "L's" mother married and they moved. Five years later they didn't have more news about the other, "L" and "R" started to talk in the internet. Months later they decided to find again. They were together and happy for one year but "R" finish with "L". She was very sad but she couldn't do  nothing anymore. One day "R" wake up and realized how much she loved "L" and how much she was important for him. Then he forgot his pride and called to "L" and combine a date she was happy cause she loved him so much. They are together again, and now they have a new chance to live this love.

The end s2 

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